route du Château, 27110 Le Neubourg, ÉVREUX, France
The Château du Champ-de-Bataille, located in the region Haute-Normandie, is a baroque castle built in 17th century for the Maréchal de Créqui. It is situated in the Campagne du Neubourg between the river Risle in the west and the river Iton in the east.
The Garden à la française was created beginning in 1992 by the new owner, interior designer Jacques Garcia. It was inspired by sketches of the original garden.
route du Château
27110 Le Neubourg,
District: ÉVREUX, France
Tel: +33(0)2 32 34 84 34
CHÂTEAU DU CHAMP DE BATAILLE, route du Château, 27110 Le Neubourg, District: ÉVREUX, France